Jenkins for Beginners

Jenkins for Beginners

Installation steps from scratch "Jenkins"

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of software projects. It provides a way to orchestrate and automate tasks in a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Here are some basics of Jenkins:
Jenkins is written in Java, lot of things we have

First, we have to create an instance & will go with the Ohio region.

I have selected the Ubuntu OS Image.

Then we can create a Key-Pair & give the name Jenkins Server.

For the installation of Jenkins on an EC2 Instance we can search in Google to install Jenkins on Ubuntu.

Select Debian/Ubuntu

In this document, all steps have been mentioned.

First, we can update our server with sudo apt-get update

Then we can install JDK with the command "sudo apt install fontconfig openjdk-17-jre"

Post-installation check the version with the following command

Then go into the document and recommend is Long term Support Release :

Copy and paste the above command.

Also, check here "jenkins --version "

Jenkins running on port 8080 by default 

Always keep your Jenkins server secure it should not be accessible to any other IPs, so you can allow only known IP's to an access the Jenkins server. But here for practice purposes, I have allowed all Ip's

Now we can access through the browser with our instance IP and port.

So as per the above Screenshot for security purposes the instance in which we installed Jenkins has that above path; from that path, we have to put the Admin password. The Path is /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPAssword

& We have successfully installed the Jenkins. Clicked on Install Suggested Plugins

It's getting started with multiple services.

Please fill in the user details and other information over here.

We can find the default URL in the below screenshot.

& Here is the UI for Jenkins

Click on the “New Item” left pane & we can create a freestyle project over here, We will learn in-depth in an upcoming blog.

Happy Learning!!