What is Ansible Playbooks?
Ansible playbooks run multiple tasks, assign roles, and define configurations, deployment steps, and variables. If you’re using multiple servers, Ansible playbooks organize the steps between the assembled machines or servers and get them organized and running in the way the users need them to. Consider playbooks as the equivalent of instruction manuals
Will do Hands on Ansible Playbook.
Lets say we have to Install and start Nginx, this is the task. Ansible playbooks are written in the .yaml formats.
Step1: We can create the first-playbook.yaml file in our Ansible Server
We write the playbook.yaml for the install and start Nginx to the target server.
Post this we have to execute the command ansible-playbook -i -inventory first-playbook.yaml
& we can check on target server Nginx has been install successfully. With this method we will implement this installation on multiple servers
We can check with more details with ansible-playbook -vvv (verbose), Using this command this we have checked that what going on internally.
Hope you like this article.
Happy Learning!!